June 28, 2009

My ideal Conduit control setup

So after playing around with the control sensitivity in "The Conduit", I've finally settled on a setup that I really like for the Conduit's almost PC-accurate controls.  I left the button layout the same because it works just fine, but I did some pretty intense sensitivity adjustments until it felt just right.  Here are my settings:

Turning Speed:  54
Cursor Sensitivity: 30
Horizontal View:  81
Vertical View:  86
Wii remote gesture sensitivity:  25
Nunchuck sensitivity:  50

Run Speed (single player): 80

Dead Zone:
134 (wide) X 156 (tall)

Anything not mentioned here I just left on the default.

This control setup provides quick, responsive controls that makes it very easy to hit enemies on all sides of you, while also allowing you to line up shots exactly where you want them.  But whatever works for you...


June 6, 2009

Episode 11-3: Sony E3 Coverage

God Of War 3

Modnation Racers

Playstation Home Press Confrence

PS Eye

Episode 11-2: Nintendo E3 Coverage

Episode 11-1: Microsoft E3 Coverage

The Beatles: Rock Band

L4D 2

June 1, 2009

Complete Bullshit

This is my cymbal from my guitar hero world tour drums set. If you can't see what is wrong, I will tell you. The rubber part you actually hit with the sticks is peeling off from the plastic part that connects it to the whole kit. This is definitely a problem because I'm out of warranty which means I either buy a whole new drum set or maybe pray that Red Octane can fix it ( I doubt for free). Now its understandable for them not to think in the long term (Nobody does these days) but the fact that they only give you a 90 day warranty is complete bullshit but the fact that they advertised this drum set by bringing Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers in and "test it" having him say how durable it is. That is false advertising, and instead of calling them up asking them to fix my cymbal, I'm going to ask them to fix it for free or I'm not buying anything from Guitar Hero ever again.